Thursday Toddler Blogging 111810

Fashion's been on our minds this week, what with the whole Rock Stars of Science thing rolling out yesterday, so this week we have SteelyKid modeling the latest in toddler headgear:


This was the culmination of a game that started with her putting her napkin on her head, and declaring it a hat. We moved on to me having to wear a towel on my head, and then her getting the towel. I really like the way this one turned out.

Of course, it wouldn't be Toddler Blogging without Appa for scale:


Here, we have SteelyKid kicking back with Appa and, um, a can of tomato paste that she found in the kitchen. I'm not sure why, but she insisted.

I continue to fiddle around with camera lenses and settings, so we also have a with-flash version of this basic picture:


Something between these two extremes would probably be best-- a more diffuse flash, or an indirect flash. Which suggests what's going on my Christmas list...

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I foolishly neglected to get an Appa picture this morning, but I wouldn't want to deprive you of your cute toddler fix for the week. And, of course, it's important to get at least one picture of SteelyKid playing with her spiffy new kitchen out: We gave this to her last night, and it was a huge…
We got a good group photo this week, showing everybody, with Appa for scale, even: Here, SteelyKid is opening a bag of small presents that Aunt Norma and Uncle Dan sent, while the Pip engages in the traditional five-week-old-infant pursuit of sleeping a whole lot. When she's not opening early…

Aaron Cass in CS will often play a game "Is it a hat?" which involves getting people to define "hat" and then repeatedly breaking the definition...

it usually ends with "Yes, fine anything you put on your head is a hat. Please stop now."