links for 2008-12-14

  • "Relatively regularly these days there are calls for a Manhattan or Apollo style project to address our energy challenges. While this may sound good, it's worth considering what such a project would actually mean."
  • "For a while now, I've been working on various theories regarding magic systems. There's a lot to consider here. As a writer, I want a system that is fun to write. As a reader, I want something that is something fun to read. As a storyteller, I want a setting element that is narratively sound and which offers room for mystery and discovery. A good magic system should both visually appealing and should work to enhance the mood of a story. It should facilitate the narrative, and provide a source of conflict. "

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I have made reference to an epic fantasy series, The Wheel of Time, several times before on this blog. The series' author, Robert Jordan, died in 2007 and left the story incomplete. Jordan had made it to book 11 over the past 20 years, but the finale was left unwritten. So I hear, as I stopped…
nanoscale views: Public funding of science, and access to information "While this is an interesting topic, I'd rather discuss a related issue:  How much public funding triggers the need to make something publicly available?  For example, suppose I used NSF funding to buy a coaxial cable for $5 as…
(Alternate Title: "Epic Fantasy Is What We Point to When We Look Down on Epic Fantasy.") I've been on a bit of an epic fantasy kick lately, evidently due to the thousand-ish pages of The Crippled God not being enough. This means that I was in a weirdly appropriate mental space to catch the recent…
nanoscale views: What does it mean for a material to be an "insulator"? "We broadly lump solids into two groups, those that conduct electricity and those that don't. Materials in the latter category are known as insulators, and it turns out that there are at least three different kinds." (tags:…

re: Sanderson

Dr. Who's law seems to hold: Any magic sufficiently advanced is indistinguishable from technology.