Why Do I Bother?

I generally enjoy Gregg Easterbrook's football writing-- he gets a little repetitive, and the shtick is starting to overwhelm any insight, but he makes some good points, and is usually entertaining. For example, I really enjoyed his take on the Dallas Cowboys at the end of this week's column (schadenfreude is a powerful thing).

Easterbrook's problem is that he insists on using his football column as a platform from which to launch bizarre digressions in all sorts of directions. See, for example, this week's weird and pointless foray into cosmology. Or, better yet, his lengthy excursion into NCAA-bashing, using the exact same flawed graduation rate metrics that I talked about last year, and that were in the background of yesterday's rant.

I really need some sort of sophisticated blog filter program to go through his columns and delete all the sections that don't have a direct connection to the NFL.

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