links for 2009-02-19


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Feministe » A Story in Pictures See if you can spot the difference. (tags: politics news gender pictures law history) Fafblog! the whole world's only source for Fafblog. ""The earth will quake and the sea will boil and the moon will be as blood and every knee shall bow before the coming of the…
US LHC Blog » Higgs Hunting News "Depending on what the mass of the Higgs boson is, it will decay into other particles that are easier or harder for an experiment to detect. So for example if the mass turns out to be about 170 GeV, the Tevatron experiments say their chances are almost 100…
Crooked Timber » » Political science and economics High-level discussion of the economics Nobel (tags: Nobel economics politics academia) Mixing Memory : Women in Math, Science, and Engineering: Is It About the Numbers (And Not the Ones You Might Think)? Notes on the science of "social…
slacktivist: Gerbils and polar bears "What I'm trying to say here is a bit tricky, because it involves to some extent comparing those Palin supporters to Grandin's neurotic gerbils, and I don't suppose anyone likes being compared to neurotic gerbils. And it probably doesn't help that I'm…