Disgustingly Cute Baby Video Blogging

SteelyKid has developed a bunch of new skills recently, which she shows off in this video of her sitting up like a big girl, and pulling toys out of her shape sorter box:

(Thanks to Ewan and Jenny for the shape sorter box, by the way. It's pretty much the ultimate dog toy (a selection of small pieces that squeak, rattle, or crackle), so we have to be careful about when and where SteelyKid gets to play with it, but she loves it. As you can see.)

And now, we're off to investigate big-girl strollers, as SteelyKid has outgrown her infant carrier.


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Interesting -- it's a floppy shape sorter box. I remember them being hard plastic... seems that would be better for teaching which shapes go where and in what orientation. Though I guess this might be less frustrating at first.

It one of the college requirements I had were two pysch classes and two sociology classes. Actually I did three sociology so I ended up with a slight specialization.

Anyhow the pysch classes were general and developmental. I learned it well enough but never really saw it in action.

One fateful day we started babysitting for a friend who was taking Saturday classes. She had an 8 year old (He and I were thick as thieves!) and an infant. From birth to one year we saw Jayden every week and it was amazing to see that from month 4 to month 6 its like a light switch gets thrown into the "ON" position.

could we get some digustingly cute Emmy videos to go along with that? We've got lots of lovely pictures of the queen, but (as far as I know), we've never gotten to see her magnificence in motion!

You're all *most* welcome. I have been fascinated to get the 'slightly ahead' posts from SK as warning for Keiran :).

Got to say she's cute, my wife's just expecting our third, Two boys so far, so,, imagine, no pressure. We have lots of wrecked boys gear, notttt..

Just thinking of the pushchair Strollers thing again, thrown them out as our boys were boys, if it couldn't be eaten then bits got to come off mum--- dad--- if you smash it hard enough eh...

If you would like to see our thoughts of whats good in the Pushchair Strollers ever changing world then look no further than http://www.pushchairsstrollers.net/

Cute babies aside for one moment, our emotional turret was just swinging round to got our life focus back. When The pushchair Stroller conversation took on a whole new exciting turn.

Can't wait to introduce our boys to there new brother or sister. Then again, imagine the ciaos..

Best get some sleep while we can...

jj out