links for 2009-04-18

  • "That's a change from the view of apocalyptic types from older times. They used to fear people like Napoleon -- those who sought to conquer the world through force, riding forth on literal, flesh-and-blood white horses, intent on empire. But to premillennial dispensationalists, would-be imperialists get a pass. They're obviously not "peacemakers," so there's no need to worry that they might be the Antichrist. This is another example of how the PMD view that the Antichrist will be a wolf in sheep's clothing leads them to be suspicious of all sheep while being complacent about wolves. They're not fearfully vigilant against the rise of the next Napoleon or the next Caesar or the next Pharaoh -- they're keeping watch against the rise of the next John Lennon. Imagine that."
  • "Now, my usual brief with How Bad Can It Be? is to look at pop culture and ask, âWhy?â Today, though, in a break with tradition, Iâm getting proactive. Why canât the music in Americaâs ballparks be fresh and fun? Why canât stadium crowds get roused by the inherent excitement of the music, rather than by the Pavlovian response of hearing âEnter Sandmanâ for the eight billionth time? Thereâs a ton of great music out there can get the fans up and pumped; all thatâs needed is the will to buck tradition and try something new."
  • Ridiculously cute animal pictures from the Boston Globe

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When rightwing CNN host Glenn Beck went Full Metal Godwin on Al Gore, I figured this was just garden-variety rightwing agitprop. But this post at Slacktivist about the "Left Behind" apocalyptic book series, by way of ScienceBlogling Josh, convinces me that Beck is just a flat out nutjob. From an…
slacktivist: TF: Skip verse 10 "Be sure to use the King James Version when you bring up Luke 17:34 -- "In that night there shall be two men in one bed; the one shall be taken, and the other shall be left" -- and then argue that a literal interpretation suggests that precisely 50 percent of…
slacktivist: TF: Bruce's sermon, part 1 "There's a monster at the end of this book. And if the authors succeed at what they've set out to do, that monster is you. That's part of why one should only read these books slowly, in small, weekly doses, while pausing to scream at or mock every page." (…
slacktivist: Vincible GooFiness "Set aside the edges of the bell curve -- the innocent fools and the diabolical Becks and Limbaughs and the rest of their kind. The vast, vincible middle is constituted of people who, like the GooFies, are to some degree simultaneously innocent victims and…