Thursday Baby Blogging, Friday Edition 042409

SteelyKid says "Look at me! I'm HUGE!"


Seriously, look at how small she used to be.

This is it as far as blogging today, by the way. I have to teach a class, and then I need to get through the copyedits on the book-in-production. Try to contain your disappointment.

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"try to contain your disappointment"

I'm picturing a jar or other small container, probably in the spice cupboard, that is labeled "disappointment". Right next to the one labeled "cat whiskers".

looks like she's actually reaching for the car keys. i bet she needs to go out and meet some friends.

Seeing a picture of such a cute, smiley baby has improved my day by several orders of magnitude! Thanks!

The baby is all we care about anyway :) You are superfluous.

My first thought when I saw the sleepy baby picture was that she must be snoozing on a cousin's lap, not Kate's. But no, we'll have to start referring to SteelyKid as Kidzilla!

Soon we'll all be be pointing at her and moving our mouths out of synch with our speech as she rumbles over the horizon giggling. You can see she's working on the pose.

By David Owen-Cruise (not verified) on 01 May 2009 #permalink