Canine Poll: Hot Pursuit

"What are you doing?"

"Hmm? Oh, I'm trying to think of a Dorky Poll question to post to the blog, because I'm going to be away from the computer for a while."

"Why are they always human polls?"

"Um, because the vast majority of my readers are human?"

Yeah, but why don't I ever get to pick poll questions, huh?"

"OK, fine. What's your question?"


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I asked The Beast and he got a bit sniffy about dogs. His point is that any sensible animal doesn't chase, it waits for the catch to come to it, and then pounces.

Personally, I think he's just lazy.

Does Emmy know that it's Bring Your Dog to Work Day?


By rachelmary (not verified) on 26 Jun 2009 #permalink

Pinky: what are we going to chase today Brain?

Brain: the same thing we chase everyday--POWER!!!

Do my kids count as "small creatures"?

Happiness - because I will be adopting a second dog this evening. One that looks not unlike Queen Emmy. Only he's a he and bigger than Emmy.

By Ruth Ellen (not verified) on 26 Jun 2009 #permalink


Systematic errors. I'm counting that in the "small creature" category, though far less cute than chipmunks or squirrels.

My dog, who insists on hiding in the doghouse until he is absolutely convinced that I'm going to take him with me and not lock him in his crate.

By MadGastronomer (not verified) on 27 Jun 2009 #permalink

There are one or two things I don't understand about, say, general relativity. It's possible that I'm chasing knowledge, in the "wait for it to come by, then pounce" sense. (There are also a few things I don't understand about quantum mechanics, but at least with the relativity I have a better idea of what the questions are.)