links for 2009-07-19

  • "âWhite Power!â the Naziâs shouted, âWhite Flour?â the clowns yelled back running in circles throwing flour in the air and raising separate letters which spelt âWhite Flourâ.

    âWhite Power!â the Naziâs angrily shouted once more, âWhite flowers?â the clowns cheers and threw white flowers in the air and danced about merrily."


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The Republic of T. » Sotomayor & The Vulcan Standard, Pt. 2 "It hit me like a slap in the face. It sounded familiar, but different. To me, this fictional family was white. But in the time and place they occupied on the page they weren't "white enough." "Oh my God!" I exclaimed. My husband,…
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slacktivist: Racism and litigation "[N]o, it's not an overstatement or an uncharitable characterization to say that anyone swallowing this ACORN-scapegoating is insane and a racist bastard. This is a baseless assertion that begins with the argument that poor people and black people are the powers…

In the category of fun Klan counter-protests, Molly Ivins recounts Moon the Klan.
The Fun's in the Fight

A recent Ku Klux Klan rally in Austin produced an eccentric counter- demonstration. When the fifty Klansmen appeared (they were bused in from Waco) in front of the state capitol, they were greeted by five thousand locals who had turned out for a "Moon the Klan" rally. Citizens dropped trou both singly and in groups, occasionally producing a splendid wave effect. It was a swell do.