links for 2009-07-20


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slacktivist: Credit scoring and unemployment "Say you're unemployed and you decide to work your tail off to land a new job, so you send out 40 résumés a week. Half of the companies might decide to do a credit-check before getting back to you. This sets off alarm-bells at the credit-rating…
Geocentrism: Was Galileo Wrong? : Starts With A Bang No. An exhaustive explanation of how we know the Earth goes around the Sun. (tags: science astronomy physics planets blogs starts-with-bang stupid education) Testing, the Chinese Way - "Professor Cizek, who started his career as a…
Infinite Summer » Blog Archive » Summer's End Roundtable, Part I "How about that ending, huh? " (tags: books literature blogs infinite-summer) US LHC Blog » Relationships in Physics Graduate School "Doing a quick poll of graduate students in our department showed the following: * Atomic…
Swans on Tea » Politics and the Star Trek Effect "There are a couple of episodes of Star Trek that I can recall having some fundamental physics failures, which would lead one to believe that in the Star Trek universe, one cannot do an integral over time. The episodes that come to mind (and it's…