Thursday Baby Blogging 072309

It's been a really busy week, so I'm too fried to do anything but a really basic Baby Blogging picture. So here's SteelyKid with Appa and some of her many other toys:


The biggest recent milestone is that she's started eating actual food-- pieces of cereal, little dried banana puffs, and that sort of thing. It gives me hope that someday we will be done with stinky formula...

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Long-time readers will remember that I used to do weekly kid-blogging, posting pictures of SteelyKid with a reference animal, Appa the sky-bison from the Avatar cartoon. I stopped a couple of years ago, because SteelyKid started being reluctant to pose for the pictures every week. I got her to pose…
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Having raised two daughters, I can say that with great liklihood, as Steelykid's innards adjust to more solid food, you will become aware of whole new worlds of stinky beyond formula.

Only lasts a little while, though.

By featheredfrog (not verified) on 23 Jul 2009 #permalink

Oh yeah: I like your use of APPA as a size-standard: I just sent one to my Daughter and Newborn Grandson.

By featheredfrog (not verified) on 23 Jul 2009 #permalink

Yay, baby blogging! Yay, Steelykid! I missed seeing her, yesterday.

Basic is fine. Each picture doesn't have to be more elaborate than the last. We just like watching her grow.

Thank you for these pictures. I look forward to them every week.

By Elizabeeth (not verified) on 24 Jul 2009 #permalink

As for the solid food, try giving her pieces of fresh banana, both of our daughters took to them right away at about that age. By about 10 months, they both could ingest an entire banana at a single sitting, it was impressive to watch.

If nothing else, she'll probably enjoy squeezing bananas and watching them extrude between her fingers.

I agree with the frog... you don't know what stinky is yet. You're also in for the most frustrating 18 years of your life... we spend the first two years desperately teaching them to walk and talk and the next sixteen telling them to sit down and shut up.

On a lighter note, she's a great looking kid and I do enjoy seeing and reading about other peoples' kids.

Our first little mugwump was fond of raw tofu, cubed.

It was slightly squashy and totally bland. She loved it.

Also, I presume Emmy is eager to volunteer for clean-up crew when it comes to whatever is dropped/hurled/flung from the tray?

That's when I really wished we had a dog . . .