Thursday Pretzel Blogging 091009

SteelyKid is cutting a couple of molars at the moment, and Cathy at day care mentioned that she was getting some relief by using a pretzel rod as a sort of edible teether that could reach all the way to the back of her mouth. So we picked some up, and they've been a big hit. Here we see SteelyKid offering to share her pretzel with Appa:


Cathy did also mention that the eating of a pretzel was a long and messy process. And really, you have to see it to understand. Still, it makes her happy, and we don't argue with a happy baby...

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My boy's almost 8 months, and we gave him a teething biscuit the other day. It was foul and disgusting. Half-chewed cookie running down his arm like Noah's flood. He liked it, but we haven't given him one since. Probably not until we get a hose installed in our kitchen to clean him off...


I should clarify, it was the eating process that was foul and disgusting, not the biscuit itself, which sort of tasted like a graham cracker. Tasty, but not nearly as delicious as zweiback. (Zweiback toasts are like crack.)


Popsicles are good for teething if you don't mind the dyed sugar water and it going everywhere. An alternative is to pour some water into the bottom of a baggie to create all-water popsicles. Sticks are optional.

You want messy, try oreos. I have some great pictures of myself making an absolute mess out of a bag of oreos when I was about SteelyKid's age.

Just wait until she gets a little bit older[1] and starts sticking the pretzels up her nose. When she does, get pictures.

[1] Her nostrils probably aren't big enough for a standard pretzel yet.