Thursday Baby Blogging 091709

SteelyKid says "Yayyy! Baby Blogging on the stairs!"


(Not shown: Kate making a similar mouth-wide-open face for a very different reason...)

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Thony: Since you can see the end of the banister on the right, and knowing how most US houses are built (including mine), she's on about the fifth step.

Man, I want a stuffed Apa.

By Simplicio (not verified) on 18 Sep 2009 #permalink

That is an absolutely adorable picture. I love the uncensored joy that infants and toddlers have. If you or I as adults showed that much glee, we'd be put in a home.

By Kenneth G. Cavness (not verified) on 18 Sep 2009 #permalink

My then about 14 month old daughter and I conducted an interesting physics experiment with a set of stairs one day. She was walking out of her bedroom with me right beside, swiftly pivoted and took one giant step into space at the top of the stairs. We proceeded to establish that, even though my mass was over 10 times hers, a free falling (well, bouncing and rolling)baby will always be just a little bit ahead of her dad, given a half second head start.

All was well at the bottom of the stairs, fortunately. (You do have a soft, thick rug at the bottom of your stairs, don't you?) And the daughter, all goes well, will be graduating from NYU in the spring.

By John Casey (not verified) on 21 Sep 2009 #permalink