Links for 2009-09-20


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Infinite Summer » Blog Archive » Summer's End Roundtable, Part I "How about that ending, huh? " (tags: books literature blogs infinite-summer) US LHC Blog » Relationships in Physics Graduate School "Doing a quick poll of graduate students in our department showed the following: * Atomic…
Physics Buzz: Watch this! "Forget the cheesy narrator and hokey graphics. Wobble the camera like you're Michel Gondry filming Eternal Sunshine. Ditch the pseudo-techno soundtrack that makes the kids shake their heads at you for trying to be hip, and go for something understated. Then you might…
Physics Buzz: Space invaders: cosmic rays arrive for their 100th birthday "Cosmic rays constantly bombard earth's atmosphere at a rate of about 100 per square meter per second, but they don't make it through intact. They collide with atmospheric molecules, setting of a cascading shower of…
Why Our Analemma Looks like a Figure 8 : Starts With A Bang "We got a good number of thoughtful comments, many of which are on the right track, and many of which have some misconceptions. Let's clear them up, and then let's give you the explanation of what gives us our figure 8, and why other…

I feel that the link about Canadian provincial stereotypes is unfair, and as a proud citizen of Ontario, I would like to state that only four of my close friends are serial killers. The rest of us merely display a synthesis of OCD and the inability to love.

Some schizophrenia.