Ask a Physicist's Dog

The scheduled release of How to Teach Physics to Your Dog is three months from today. This is, as you most likely know, a book based on the frequent conversations Emmy and I have about physics:


To mark the pre-anniversary, Emmy has decided to use social media to showcase her physics knowledge: She's answering physics questions on Twitter. Post a question, tag it #dogphysics, and she'll answer it there. If you've got a philosophical objection to Twitter, you can leave a comment here, and get your answer via the Twitter link above.

So, if you've got a question about physics that you've been dying to have answered by a dog, here's your chance.

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Toby, my dog, would like to know why it is that all the rabbits in the area seem to recognize his distinctive collar jingle, and hop over to just outside a convenient hole in a rock retaining wall that they can hop into milliseconds before he can get to play with them. And is there any hope of quantum tunneling allowing him access to their burrows, as his claws just aren't dislodging the large stones in the retaining wall.

By Jim Rothwell (not verified) on 22 Sep 2009 #permalink

I am trying to find equations for water evaporation rates under a vacuum given the following parameters
Surface Area - ranging from 6-36 inches
Water Temp. - for the purpose of this model we can assume the temp of the water will be constantly held at 120 F by a heat source
Vacuum - ranging from 26.5-28 inHg

Any help would be greatly appreciated

By Sam Curlett (not verified) on 30 Oct 2009 #permalink