Links for 2009-10-11


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So it goes.: A Day in the Life "I wake up to the sun's early morning glow or from the Luganda streaming through my mosquito net, which I'm not sure. It is another day in Uganda, a handful of kilometers beneath the equator. I can easily recall the first days in Africa when the sun did not wrestle…
Gesturing helps grade-schoolers solve math problems Hand-waving is the key to any calculation. (tags: academia education math) Easily Distracted » Blog Archive » In Which I Pick Some Nits A historian reads Novik's Temeraire books. (tags: books SF) slacktivist: Gay-Hatin' Gospel (pt. 5) The…
Philip Guo - On Popularity "In sum, whether you are popular in middle and high school is largely out of your control, so it is unreasonable to aspire to become popular if you are not already popular. From my experience, the happiest teenagers are the ones who have accepted their status in the…
Nonlocal Quantum Effects with Bose-Einstein Condensates New theoretical resutls having to do with measurements of particles in two independent condensates show some cool quantum effects (tags: physics quantum science articles) Finite-Temperature Collective Dynamics of a Fermi Gas in the BEC-BCS…