Sports Poll: Yankees Win

I have a lab all morning, so I won't get to more substantive blogging before this afternoon. The Yankees won their 27th World Series title last night, though, and given their status as the most polarizing team in baseball, this seems like a good excuse for a poll:

Choose only one.


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Yesssss, my precioussssssss...their time will passss........

but given I'm a lifelong Pirates fan, it ain't gonna be my team any time soon.

Ah the Pirates holders of the record for most consecutive losing season of any major sports team.

So, the Yankees are a baseball team? Does the band march at their games? No? Then why bother with them?

To stir up trouble in this neck of the woods: what am I going to watch on TV for the next five months? I guess I'll watch a football game or two, but I can't stand hockey and I've never really gotten into basketball. Oh well, April will come soon enough.

Go Yanks! Though I could have picked three or four options there.


I found it humourous that immediately after the game an interviewer asked Jeter how it felt to win the world series again after all these years. LMAO.

This is like asking "What do you think about gravity killing the latest guy to jump off the Golden Gate Bridge?" I mean, yeah, unfortunate, but what is there to say?

By Bob Hawkins (not verified) on 05 Nov 2009 #permalink

Objection to the poll!
Soccer, AKA real football is better than all of those sports mentioned. So now, we can stop talking about baseball, American football, and bascketball, and focus on football. ^_^

Normally I hate the Yankees (along with anyone who roots for the Yankees despite being from a place like Chicago that has something resembling a major league team simply because they like being on the bandwagon), but I was glad to see A-rod end his previously futile chase for a ring.

(snark mode on)
But I think there is something wrong with a team playing in the Bronx (or Queens) claiming to represent New York. The real New York is Manhattan, where the New York baseball Giants used to play. The rest might as well be New Jersey, where the football Giants play now. That should stir up trouble! Perhaps as much as mentioning that traveling to Canada is almost like visiting a foreign country.
(snark mode off)

By CCPhysicist (not verified) on 05 Nov 2009 #permalink

I've hated the Yankees as long as I've known about baseball, which is going on 60 years. I don't believe I could ever bring myself to root for them. I also don't expect to spend much time watching sports for the next few months. I've completely lost all interest in football, and never had much in basketball, certainly not hockey.

IBY - I'm not much of a baseball fan, and I have always been a Yankees fan, so maybe I'm not the best person to answer, but I'll weigh in anyway with a couple of the reasons.

Part of it is that people like to root for the underdog. Given that they've won more than 1/4 of the World Series, it's hard to view the Yankees as an underdog.

Part of it is that the Yankees spend a huge amount of money, so some feel that they buy championships rather than earning them.