The Internet Is a Weird and Wonderful Place

Via somebody on a mailing list, Eric Whiteacre's virtual choir:

The post I got this from doesn't contain any details, nor does it contain useful links to the making of this particular video, but looking around the top level of the blog it's fairly clear that this was put together from a large number of individual videos of people singing just one part of the song. He's got another piece underway, and you can see some of the individual parts.

This is one of those really cool and impossible-to-predict things you get with the modern Internet. And I think this stuff is ultimately a lot cooler than anything coming out of the blogging-as-journalism model.

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Thank you for this link, I have actually performed this song, and it is a wonderful piece. It is awesome to see it performed in a way such as this.

By Anonymous (not verified) on 08 Nov 2009 #permalink

I concur. The absolute CREATIVITY of this idea is awesome.

If you look at the October 7 blog posting…
you will see how it works. He first gives all of the conductor info that singers would get in person, then conducts it after 4:00 on the video. The sync tone you hear at the start of the recorded performances is at 4:58. After they plug in their headphones, only they can hear the music that accompanies the singing.

What an interesting way for someone to get a chance to perform under a composer who will be conducting the London Symphony next year ...

By CCPhysicist (not verified) on 08 Nov 2009 #permalink

And yet Baen has the best digital book sales operation and web site, with no DRM and the best ethics and respect for the customer. I just bought a copy of a Harlan Ellison Collection there. Odd No?