51 Best Physics Blogs

A few other people got the same email I did, promoting a list of the 50 Best Physics Blogs put together by Accredited Online Colleges Dot Org. It's a fine list, with one glaring problem: They didn't include Matt Springer's Built On Facts. As you can probably tell from its frequent tagging for the daily links dump, I'm a big fan, and think Matt's got one of the best physics blogs going.

I could probably come up with a blog or two that I'd drop off the existing list, but that would be impolitic. So let's just add him as the 51st blog, leaving us one blog shy of a pack of cards. The comments of this post would be an excellent place to suggest who ought to be #52 (or maybe two additional blogs, so we could have a couple of jokers), or attempt to assign suits and values to the various blogs on the existing list.

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Dude, those sites are nothing but link spammers. It's the same for the "Top 50 Women Science Blogs"--which is on some BestPhlebotomyTechnicianSchools cockamamie Web site--and all the other happy horseshit. The only reason they exist is to get credulous bloggers like you to link to them. It's total garbage.

what? no "Starts with a Bang?" what kind of list *is* this? I second PhysioProf.