Links for 2009-12-30


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slacktivist: Why oh why can't we have a better press corps? "Part of the answer to that question is that our newspapers are being asked to do something they were never designed to do and something they are fundamentally and structurally incapable of doing: they're being asked to provide…
Sorority Row | Film | A.V. Club "Late in the dire college slasher flick Sorority Row, the killer takes some time away from impaling hateful victims to explain why the world will be a better place without all the awful people who didn't survive the movie. And you know what? The psychopath has a…
"Mumble mumble shoulder something": R.E.M., Guided By Voices, Ghostface, and the pleasures of lyrical ambiguity | Music | The A.V. Club Blog | The A.V. Club "The Stipe of R.E.M.'s early recordings uses words to create abstract compositions. It's not the only way to approach lyric-writing in rock…
The Final Frontier: The Science of Star Trek: Scientific American "To get a sense of how much actual science has made its way into the science fiction universe of Star Trek, spoke to Lawrence Krauss, author of The Physics of Star Trek, the first edition of which appeared on…

BEST. Disney song cover. EVER!

(Got the CD as soon as it was out. Some strange stuff there...)