How to Teach Physics to Your Dog: Obsessive Update

i-1e8ca3d6f1057cdc4f9532702467bc29-sm_cover_draft_atom.jpgThe college bookstore has set up a display table right at the front of the store with a bunch of copies of How to Teach Physics to Your Dog, which is kind of a kick. Some of my students asked me about it in lab yesterday.

The big news, though, is that the Associated Press review ran Monday. I've known they were working on one for a while, now, but didn't see it before it went live. It's not a great review-- it ends "For people who are smarter than the average mixed-breed dog, this might be a good way to learn about the nature of microscopic particles. But I'm waiting for Orzel to write something more on my level, like "How to Teach Physics to a Tapeworm.""-- but it's not as bad as I initially thought, and it's run in 20-odd papers nationwide.

This probably accounts for the fact that the sales rank has climbed back up into the 2,000's, which is very nice. Either that, or my taped interview from Monday ran in Cincinnati, and dozens of copies have been sold in southern Ohio and Kentucky...

I've got a couple more phone interviews today, so this cold has picked the perfect time to start clogging my throat with gunk. My first official signing event is also fast approaching, next Saturday, the 30th. Mark your calendars...

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