Links for 2010-01-21


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Dr. Rivka - How many US Supreme Court decisions can you name off the top of your head? (tags: law US politics) / Science fiction and fantasy / Blog posts / Bloat: threat or menace? A defense of long books. (tags: books writing literature SF blogs) Dynamics of Cats : why are grades…
Science Channel Refuses To Dumb Down Science Any Further | The Onion - America's Finest News Source "Along with Bunting's remarks, the Science Channel issued a statement claiming that it currently airs more than 150 programming hours that are tangentially, and often laughably, related to science…
Evil and Riddles: The Grey King | I don't need to re-read this, really I don't. And yet... (tags: books sf review blogs tor nostalgia literature) Cheryl's Mewsings » Blog Archive » Anthologies: Some Data "On Saturday I mentioned that I had been sent some data about gender splits in…
The Republic of T. » Sotomayor & The Vulcan Standard, Pt. 2 "It hit me like a slap in the face. It sounded familiar, but different. To me, this fictional family was white. But in the time and place they occupied on the page they weren't "white enough." "Oh my God!" I exclaimed. My husband,…