How to Teach Physics to Your Dog: All the News That's Fit to Keep Off the Web Page

i-1e8ca3d6f1057cdc4f9532702467bc29-sm_cover_draft_atom.jpgA few weeks back, I spoke on the phone with a freelance writer who was doing a piece for the Albany Times Union. She was putting together a joint article on How to Teach Physics to Your Dog and the Atomville book put together by Jill Linz and Cindy Schwarz (at Skidmore and Vassar, respectively). The piece was published today: "Physics without limits: Area writers explain quantum mechanics to adults, kids."

Unfortunately, the Times Union has a policy of reserving some stories for the print edition, and so there's no way to link to it. So, unless you have a way to get your hands on a paper copy of the Sunday, Jan. 24 Times Union (page 6 of the Life section), you'll just have to take my word for it that it's a nice article about both books.

I haven't read the Atomville book, but Jill Linz gave a colloquium talk about it a while back, and it sounds like a neat idea. SteelyKid's probably a bit young for it yet, but I may pick up a copy just in case...

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