Thursday Baby Chef Blogging 021110

SteelyKid has had a bit of a sore throat the last few days, which has led to a bit of screaming and crying. Those have been interspersed with her usual cute-toddler behavior, and we managed to squeeze in the traditional Baby Blogging photo:


"Why is she waving around a Triscuit box?" you ask. Because she was cooking:


This is the latest manifestation of the rich inner life of a toddler. She gets really absorbed in this little game where she takes small objects (rocks, fridge magnets, small toys) and places them carefully in some kind of container (a piece of tupperware, one of her stacking cups, an empty cardboard box), then stirs them around with one of the mallets from one of her musical toys. She'll pour them from one container into another, carefully sort them, and generally behave as if she's either making food or brewing potions. We're betting she's not actually a witch, so we call it "cooking."

Her other incredibly cute behavior is that she's started imitating me feeding her. When she gets hesitant about eating stuff, I'll sometimes pick up a piece, and wave it in circles making a "woo, woo, woo" noise. This usually gets her to grin and open her mouth, then I stick the food in, and she eats it.

She's started imitating this-- she'll pick up a cracker or something, wave it in circles, say "woo woo woo" then stuff it in her mouth with a huge grin. It's disgustingly cute, and makes up for a lot of screaming and crying.

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