Belated Baby Blogging 040210

As I was headed upstairs to bed last night, I stopped in the library, and said "There's something I ought to be doing..." but couldn't remember what. This morning, while walking Emmy, it hit me: Baby Blogging!

It's weird that I forgot, because I went to the trouble of taking pictures and everything:


This is SteelyKid hanging out on the swing in the back yard, drinking some juice. As you can tell by the short sleeves, it's Fake Summer here, and the backyard was warm and pleasant last night after day care. I have some other pictures where she and Appa aren't cropped as tightly as they are here, but I like the late-afternoon light in this one.

As a bonus, here's one where you can see her awesome dinosaur T-shirt:


She's pointing toward some birds by the feeder in the back yard, and saying "Boid!" (which is a pretty good effort for a word she's only picked up in the last week or so). I think she tried to follow that with "They evolved from dinosaurs like the one on my shirt," but it was kind of hard to make out.

She does, however, know the noise that dinosaurs make, which is "Rawr." which will do her at least as much good as knowing the other animal noises her baby books try to teach...

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Why does she have a Brooklyn accent?[/quote]

Yes she does, as does the milkman.

"Dinosaur Roar!" was a favorite book of my nieces when they were about that size (mentioned in case it's not yet part of Steelykid's library)