Chateau SteelyKid

I've made a few oblique references to home improvement projects over the last week or so. These weren't for our house, but for SteelyKid's-- Kate's mom got her a playhouse for Christmas, which we finally got around to installing in the back yard. SteelyKid has taken right to home ownership:


Don't let her studied cool in that picture fool you, though. Getting the house was the highlight of the whole day:

(My parents were visiting for Father's Day/ my birthday, so they get a cameo in the video.)

Most of the rest of the afternoon was passed going in and out of the house, ringing the doorbell, passing mail through the slot, and playing with the beeping toy phone. And, of course, bringing other members of the family into the house for the grand tour. Some of these were pretty easy:


Others... not so much:


If you want to know how much I love my daughter, there's a good demonstration for you.

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By ThirtyFiveUp (not verified) on 20 Jun 2010 #permalink

If you want to know how much I love my daughter, there's a good demonstration for you.

Perhaps an even better one would be the video of you extricating yourself! ;)