Thursday 3D Toddler Blogging 070810

I got sufficiently engrossed in writing a ResearchBlogging post for tomorrow that I almost forgot today's Toddler Blogging. To make up for it, though, today's post is using those three-dimensional effects that are all the rage these days:


Look out! There's a ball coming right at you!

What's that? The 3D isn't working? Are you wearing the glasses? Well, there's your problem...

As you can tell from the picture, SteelyKid is getting pretty good at throwing things these days. Catching, on the other hand, remains a bit of a problem:


(Alternate caption: "Telekinetic toddler moves balls with her brain!")

Between those, it's a little difficult to get her to hold still with Appa, so this is the best traditional Toddler Blogging I could get:


But, hey, you got three-dimensional effects shots, so what are you complaining about?

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Catching always takes longer, it involves high level coordination AND timing. Tricky for an almost two year old! Throwing is much easier, because the ball just has to leave her hand and then her part is done.