Thursday Bedtime Blogging

This week, we see Appa and SteelyKid with all the essential elements of bedtime:


From right to left, we have: Goodnight Moon, the Winnie-the-Pooh collection I've started reading to her after her bottle, and the brown-and-white doggie she has adopted as her essential comfort animal. This was apparently a Valentine's Day promotion from some chain store a few years back, as Kate learned while finding a backup doggie on EBay-- we can't do bedtime without it, and don't want to think about what would happen if it got lost.

Despite the giggling and laughing that accompanied the picture-taking, she didn't take any longer to get to sleep than usual. Which was a relief, because I thought brining the camera upstairs was going to upset everything...

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Hey, I missed her transition to big-kid bed.
I understand your relief, my 2-yr-old has a 10-minute zone to get ready to sleep. Any excitement during that time makes it difficult to get him to settle down.

By Violet in Twilight (not verified) on 22 Oct 2010 #permalink