Links for 2010-10-28

  • "The flash didn't go off" has been shorthand for photographic failure for more than 100 years, but the conventional wisdom on lighting is now being challenged by advances in camera technology. The quickest, simplest, cheapest way to take more professional-looking pictures of your friends and family is to stop using your digital camera's built-in flash.
  • "We know about the real world of the era steampunk is riffing off. And the picture is not good. If the past is another country, you really wouldn't want to emigrate there. Life was mostly unpleasant, brutish, and short; the legal status of women in the UK or US was lower than it is in Iran today: politics was by any modern standard horribly corrupt and dominated by authoritarian psychopaths and inbred hereditary aristocrats: it was a priest-ridden era that had barely climbed out of the age of witch-burning, and bigotry and discrimination were ever popular sports: for most of the population starvation was an ever-present threat. I could continue at length. It's the world that bequeathed us the adjective "Dickensian", that gave us a fully worked example of the evils of a libertarian minarchist state, and that provoked Marx to write his great consolatory fantasy epic, The Communist Manifesto."
  • "After significant consultation with Washington City Paper's expensive outside team of professional ethicists, we've settled on the following guidelines. Please read and follow them closely:

    1. You may attend the rallies in a non-participatory fashion.
    2. However, because the rallies are comic events, you may not laugh.
    3. The act of not laughing, though, can be just as politically loaded as the act of laughing. Therefore, staffers are advised to politely chuckle, in a non-genuine manner, after each joke."


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One of my Christmas gifts this year was an external flash unit for my DSLR, replacing one that broke a while back. Given that the camera has a built-in flash, you might wonder why I need this extra bulky gadget, so to answer that question, here's a composite of five pictures I took today:…
Young Engineer Uses Webcam, Laser to Build Budget 3-D Scanner | Gadget Lab | "Using little more than a webcam and a laser, a young engineer has built a cheap 3D scanner that dovetails perfectly with the Makerbot and other desktop fabricators. It could be used as part of a copying system…
The Washington Monthly "It turns out that the only thing these GOP voters hated more than helping the poor was being told that it's wrong to torture people." Whee! (tags: politics US) The Wetzel plan - NCAA Football - Yahoo! Sports This is far too sensible to ever happen. (tags: football sports…
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