Thursday Fabulous Bedhead Blogging 033111

SteelyKid has extremely fine hair that doesn't grow very quickly. While this leads many people to mistake her for a boy (that, and the fact that a lot of her play clothes are from the boys' section at Target, because lots of girl-toddler outfits are ridiculously impractical), it does lend itself to spectacular bedhead:


She's actually admiring her own crazy hair in a mirror (out of frame to the right) in this shot. She liked it enough that she insisted on keeping it that way, so that her friends at day care could admire it.

And, of course, it wouldn't be Thursday without the traditional Appa-for-scale shot:


Appa's tail got clipped a little in this one, but I like it because if you don't look too closely, she almost looks like she's doing one of the martial-arts-inspired magic forms from the Avatar cartoon series that Appa comes from. In reality, she's just turning around from looking at something outside the window, and telling us about it.

And there's your weekly cute-toddler fix.

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The first photo reminds me of taking my daughters to the Schenectady Museum when they were little. They got a big kick out of getting their hair "styled" by the Van De Graff generator.

I wake up with amazing bedhead too, and I never figured it to be because of my hair being fine. I always thought I just sleep really hard, but now I know the truth. If I use a little too much conditioner my hair feels just like it did when I was little. She may not outgrow it, I'm 47!

I came here for some physics-for-laymen post or other. I stay for the toddler blogging. :-)

By Elizabeth (not verified) on 01 Apr 2011 #permalink

"Appa's tail got clipped a little in this one, but I like it because if you don't look too closely, she almost looks like she's doing one of the martial-arts-inspired magic forms from the Avatar"

It took me a minute to figure out you weren't referring to Appa in the second part of this sentence.

By Ruth Ellen (not verified) on 01 Apr 2011 #permalink

Kate, you're both so lucky in that department. I noticed in that top picture (and in recent pictures in general) that she looks exactly like you, so she probably has inherited your hair too. If I don't get my hair layered all over when I get it cut, I have no volume on top. I did manage to score naturally curly hair, or I'd have no luck at all in the hair deparment!