Thursday Toddler Blogging 060911

SteelyKid is in an intermittently shy phase right at the moment. Sometimes, she's really outgoing and shamelessly mugs for the camera, other times, well...


Of course, two minutes after hiding behind Appa and insisting that I not take pictures of her, she marched over and demanded to see the pictures on the camera.

We've had an extremely busy couple of days-- her day care was closed yesterday and today for a Jewish holiday-- so that's all I've got the mental energy for tonight. I almost forgot to past anything at all, but Kate reminded me, and I thought I had better head off the angry/ concerned emails that would flood in if I didn't post a picture.

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Neredeyse hiç geçmiÅ bir Åey unuttum, ama Kate hatırlattı ve ben daha iyi bir görüntü sonrası olmasaydı sel olur kızgın / ilgili e-postaları kapalı kafa düÅündüm.