It's Hard Work Being This Cute

I haven't sorted out yet how I plan to handle Thursday Toddler Blogging given that the original reason for it being on Thursday was because SteelyKid was born on a Thursday. The Pip, on the other hand, was born on a Monday. Should I do two cute-kid photos a week? Move it to Friday Family Blogging and try to get pictures of both of them? It's all just so complicated...


... it just wears me out.

We're almost done with this term from Hell, though-- I gave the final exam for one of my two classes this morning, and the other will be on Monday, so I'll make a final decision next week. In the meantime, though, here's a cute Family Blogging shot to tide you all over:


SteelyKid's doing a great job helping, and is super careful when holding/ hugging/ kissing The Pip. I'm dreading the day when that stops being enough, and she expects him to, you know, interact with her, but for now, we're all enjoying her being a Big Sister.

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Keep those photos handy. Odds are in twelve or fourteen years you are going to need a reminder of how you got there and how it was. Stay strong.