Links for 2012-02-22

  • Astro-Physical Calculator

    A JavaScript calculator with all manner of physical constants already programmed in, in different systems of units.

  • College Misery: I'm Baffled At My Students And Their Inability to Conquer "Some" Technology.

    My students are whiz bang on all their electronic gear, flashing their digits and emails wirelessly from phone to phone, downloading first run feature films on Bit Torrent, running blogs, tweeting their whereabouts, bowel movement times, and of course the Facebook, oh my God, the Facebook. Video, photos, uploading, resized, printed out on t-shirts, etc. But they can't add a page number header to a document. Or figure out what 12 point font means. Or - GOOD GRIEF - double space an essay.

  • Great songs, terrible bands | Music | AVQ&A; | The A.V. Club

    I subscribe to the theory that every band or artist, no matter how terrible, has at least one genuinely good song in them. Blink-182 has "I Miss You," Peter Frampton has "Baby I Love Your Way," Ice Cube has "It Was A Good Day." What are your favorite good songs by terrible bands?


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We're off to do our annual holiday trek all over New England. We will have sporadic Internet access, but don't expect any blogging before next Wednesday. Not that anybody's going to be reading blogs over the weekend, anyway... If you'd like some seasonal music, below the fold is a list of the 21…
I'm not organized enough to make this a regular feature, or to use it to divine the future, but every now and then, I get a really good run of songs on the iTunes shuffle, and make a note. Here's a batch from this weekend (with a smattering of comments): "White Russian Galaxy," The Crimea "Be Sweet…
As is often noted, most modern recordings of Christmas songs range from utterly bland to excruciatingly awful. There are some that sorta-kinda work, though, and a bare few that are brilliant: In the interest of promoting, you know, music that doesn't suck, it's perhaps worth taking a look at what…

I'll play the "great songs by terrible bands" game.

I never got into Guns 'n Roses for several reasons, not the least of which is that I would rather listen to a wailing banshee than Axl Rose's singing. YMMV, but to me Rose had one of the worst singing voices of any popular front man from that era. Nonetheless, I think "Paradise City" is a great song.

By Eric Lund (not verified) on 22 Feb 2012 #permalink

For as long as there's been recorded pop music, producers have been gathering groups of mediocre musicians, feeding them material by professional Tin Pan Alley songwriters, polishing it up in the studio, making hits, then kicking the band to the curb when they were used up. "One hit wonder" bands were a deliberate creation of the system.