See You Monday

The picture above shows the new sign on SteelyKid's door. She had to ask us how to spell the words-- she's not five for another month, yet-- but she is now the proud owner of a hand-lettered "DO NOT ENTER" sign for her bedroom. About half a dozen years earlier than I was hoping for...

I made good progress on the draft chapter of the moment this morning, which means that I'm allowed to blog today, per the terms of my agreement with myself. But this is kind of a lost day, anyway, so while I am going to write a post explaining some cool physics, I'll schedule it for Monday instead of posting it today. So you've got that to carry you through the long weekend. Or, you know, meaningful human interactions with your own friends and loved ones. Whatever floats your boat.

Meanwhile, here's a picture of SteelyKid at the local science museum yesterday, making a smoke ring. Because it looks awesome, and door sign aside, she doesn't yet regard me as incredibly embarrassing and lets me take the occasional picture.

SteelyKid making a smoke ring at the local science museum. SteelyKid making a smoke ring at the local science museum.

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