053/366: Mount Rubidoux

Having successfully given two talks in Sacramento, I'm spending a few days visiting my sister in Riverside, CA, because it's not often I'm on the West Coast at all. She had to work this morning, so I went on a bit of a hike up and down Mt. Rubidoux, where the city has built a really nice paved trail that winds around the mountain:

Part of the Mt. Rubidoux  trail, coming down from the top. Part of the Mt. Rubidoux trail, coming down from the top.

I went out at around 9am, which had the advantage of being relatively cool and pleasant for walking. The disadvantage is that there was a ton of fog, making it hard to get good photos from up on the mountain. The best I could come up with was to get a little artsy and try to make a virtue of the mists by using a large aperture to photograph something else with the foggy downtown in the background:

A hazy view of Riverside, CA from the slopes of Mt. Rubidoux. A hazy view of Riverside, CA from the slopes of Mt. Rubidoux.
Another hazy view of Riverside from Mt. Rubidoux. Another hazy view of Riverside from Mt. Rubidoux.

I suspect that if I went up there now, I could get much clearer shots of the city and the valley. At the cost of probably melting, so I'm going to pass on that...

Anyway, it's a very nice trail, and I enjoyed my walk quite a bit. And now, my lingering jet lag and I are going to take a nap.


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