089/366: Seasonal

Saturday was still warm, but grey and rainy, so we needed indoor activities. We took the kids down to the Roberson Museum to see their annual Christmas display, with lots of trees donated and decorated by local organizations, toys and games from the 50's and 60's, and a giant model train display. And the "International Forest" of trees decorated in the style of various countries.

The Polish display at the Roberson "International Forest" of Christmas trees. The Polish display at the Roberson "International Forest" of Christmas trees.

This is the Polish display; SteelyKid was duly impressed to learn that the word for the heraldic bird at the top of that flag is the same as her surname.

Anyway, it was all seasonally appropriate and stuff, then we went home, and after dinner watched the "Frosty the Snowman" cartoon. But snapped the tv off before "Frosty Returns" could start, because we're not monsters.

Today, we'll be driving back up to Niskayuna, and back to a semi-normal routine.


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