091/366: Turkey Talk

Not an incredibly artistic or innovative bit of photography, here, but I spent a good chunk of the day taking The Pip for his annual physical, so the only pictures I took were of SteelyKid's schoolwork:

SteelyKid's second-grade assignment to imagine and illustrate a conversation with a turkey. SteelyKid's second-grade assignment to imagine and illustrate a conversation with a turkey.

This assignment asked her to draw herself asking a question that a turkey would then answer, and then the turkey asking her one in return. Her writing is more enthusiastic than accurate as far as spelling is concerned, but she has a good imagination. In case you can't make it out (spelling corrected):

SteelyKid: Are turkeys fast runners?
Turkey: No, they are too fat and heavy so they do not run fast.

Turkey: What happens when you get full?
SteelyKid: We get sick and throw up on the ground.

And there's this week's bit of insight into the second-grade mindset...

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