This was kind of a dispiriting week in a lot of ways, but as mentioned in yesterday's links dump, Kate and I had tickets for the Hold Steady in Albany last night. And since schools are closed next week, we packed SteelyKid and The Pip off to Grandma and Grandpa's, and went to a rock show. If you're not familiar with the Hold Steady, you're obviously not following me on Twitter, because I've been obsessing about them for a while now-- since 2005 or so. They've been the world's greatest band for about a decade now, and their new record, Teeth Dreams is excellent. I saw them back in 2009, and…
This has been a pretty brutal week-- classes are in full swing, and we had a candidate interview for our visiting faculty position which always eats up a bunch of time. And then Kate was out of town for work Wednesday night. So I haven't had time for substantive blogging, and don't really have the brains for anything deep. The kids are at Grandma and Grandpa's all next week, though, so maybe I'll finally get to do some of the little experiments for the blog that I've been kicking around in my head. Until then, though, here are some links to thing I've had open in tabs for a while, and won't…
No, this isn't another blog post lamenting the fact that music writing gets far more attention than science writing. If anything, it's a bit of an argument that science writing ought to be less like popular music writing. On Twitter this past weekend Jim Henley, one of the few bloggers I consider "old school" (the name of this blog was influenced by his Unqualified Offerings, though he's mostly stepped back from that) had a long series of tweets about pop-music writing, responding to some arguments that music criticism has degenerated and hardly has anything to do with music any more. Jim…
We took a week off last week because Rhett was away on a Secret Mission, but we're back and better than ever this week. More uncertain! More dotty! Or something! Topics for this week include oblique references to Rhett's mission, some discussion of the Geocentric Janeway debacle, good and bad places to have a conference, why you shouldn't eat conference center food, why more physicists aren't on Twitter, and blogger gatherings. Here's a link to the Stealth Creationists and Illinois Nazis story I alluded to. It's from 2007, after the blogging dinosaurs but before the blogging armored sloths.
Another Monday, another recap of a new episode of the Cosmos reboot. This one was all about optics, and much of it was excellent. This was in part due to the fact that its first couple of historical segments focused on non-Western figures, and I don't know as much about their background to be able to nitpick. First up was Mozi, a Chinese philosopher from circa 400BCE, who may have been the first to demonstrate the camera obscura technique of projecting images from a pinhole in the wall of a dark room. He was followed by ibn al-Haytham, circa 1000CE, who did the first fairly complete analysis…
Yesterday's frat boy post prompted some interesting discussion, one piece of which is a response from Matt "Dean Dad" Reed (also at Inside Higher Ed), who overlapped with me at Williams for a year, but had a very different reaction to the social scene there. His take mirrors mine from the other side, though, which suggests I'm not wildly off base. The other chunk is a comment exchange on Facebook where some colleagues mentioned the problem of social exclusivity as an issue that I didn't address. And that's true-- as I was at a school without fraternities, where all organizations were formally…
I was invited to a dinner last night hosted by one of the umbrella organizations for fraternities on campus, with a stated goal of improving communication between faculty and frats. It ended up being kind of a weird crowd-- most of the non-students there were Deans of one sort or another; I think there was only one other regular faculty member there. I'm not sure quite how they drew up the invite list, but I suspect the two of us are probably among the most sympathetic faculty members-- I went to a school without frats, but the rugby club was functionally equivalent, and the other guy proudly…
I've lost track of who on social media pointed me to this, but this blog post about testimony to the Michigan Legislature is a brilliant demonstration of what's so difficult about teaching even simple subjects. Deborah Ball, the Dean of the education school at the University of Michigan gives the legislators a simple grading exercise from elementary school math. The video here is worth a watch: (This also includes one of the greatest failed SNL references ever. It flops badly enough that the guy responsible is nearly as embarrassed as he ought to be...) The problem she's illustrating is one…
It's the time of year where colleges and grad schools are making admissions decisions, and faculty job search season is winding down (for tenure-track positions in physics, anyway-- our search for a visiting professor for next year is still underway). In the spirit of the season, then, Matt "Dean Dad" Reed asks about the writing of reference letters. Given how much letters can count, I’m struck that we almost never talk about how to write them. They’re a genre of their own. For example, I’ve been told -- and I don’t know how true this is -- that without a FERPA waiver, it’s illegal to…
The fourth episode of the Cosmos reboot aired last night, and as I said on Twitter it was a beautiful demonstration of why I'm finding this show intensely frustrating. There were flashes of brilliance, but also quite a few bits that left me shaking my head. Thus fitting the pattern of the previous episodes-- I didn't comment on last week's, because I was taking a break, but it had the same sorts of issues, too-- so I guess that's just what this show is. Again, there was some very good stuff-- the opening framing device with William Herschel talking about ghosts was great, and Tyson's tour…
In which we hit double digits, in base ten, anyway. This was mostly about teaching stuff, because I'm between terms, in that weird reflect-on-the-last term/ prep-for-the-next-term space. With a digression about training wheels, which are good as an analogy, but less good for actually learning to ride a bike...
This week is Union's spring break, and like basically everything associated with Union's academic calendar, it's too short. I have to turn in my Winter term grades today, and next Monday is the start of my Spring term class. I also find myself in a place right now were every little thing is pissing me off, which is a terrible place to start the Spring term. And since social media functions largely as an aggravation engine right at the moment, that means I need to step back for a bit. So, don't expect much of anything here or on Twitter for the next week at least. We'll probably still do…
Since not all that long after he was born, I've been referring to The Pip as "Little Dude," which had become ingrained before I realized it was lifted from Otto the bus driver on The Simpsons. He's not as talkative as his sister yet, which is why she gets more press on the blog, but he's getting to be kind of chatty at times, and occasionally says really cute things. Such as last night, when I read him his usual collection of bedtime stories-- a selection of Mother Goose rhymes, Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus, and Don't Let the Pigeon Stay Up Late. After the third story, he asked for…
So, there was this big story in cosmology the other day-- Tom Levenson's write-up is very nice-- which has been hailed as one of the greatest discoveries since the last greatest discovery, blah, blah, blah. And now that a few days have passed, we're starting to see the inevitable backlash, ranging from detailed technical analyses of possible other explanations to more general musings about the nature of peer review. I'm not qualified to evaluate the former, so I'm going to talk a bit about the latter. The title of that Atlantic post is "'One of the Greatest Discoveries in the History of…
"Daddy? How do you make water?" "You mean, what is it made of?" "Yeah, what's water made of?" "Hydrogen and oxygen." "Oh. And what's hydrogen and oxygen?" "They're chemical elements." "So, when we drink water, we're drinking chemicals?" "Well, yeah. In a sense, everything is chemicals. Water's a chemical, air is made of chemicals. " "What about, like, wood?" "Chemicals." "What?!?! Is everything chemicals?" "Pretty much, yeah." "What about lights?" "Light isn't a chemical, but the things that make light are made out of chemicals." "Yeah, like, the Sun is fire, and it makes light, but is the…
In which Rhett and I chat about the hot new discovery of primordial gravitational waves (maybe) very briefly before segueing into talking about LIGO, and Cosmos, and why "theory" is a terrible word, and the memorization of constants, and standardized tests, and time-lapse videos. You know, as one does. Miscellaneous items: -- I'm a little pixellated, as if I'm concealing my identity. I forgot to shut Kate's computer down, so it may have been doing online backups that chewed up bandwidth. -- The von Neumann quote I butcher at one point is "The sciences do not try to explain, they hardly even…
This week's Cosmos was all about the evolution of life, and was viewed by millions of people outside of Oklahoma, where they presumably got an hour-long local news promo, or analysis of the Oklahoma State's chances in the NCAA Tournament. As such, it was a bit outside my area of expertise, but that never stopped a blogger before... There were a couple of things about this that I thought were great, and two things that bothered me. The episode opened with a very nice discussion of the history of dogs and humans, demonstrating how dramatically untold generations of human selection have modified…
The other big nerd event of today is that it's Einstein's birthday, on this date back in 1879. I keep meaning to take and post a photo of the cool picture of Einstein we have in the department's collection of stuff, and this is as good an excuse as any. Charcoal drawing of Einstein giving a talk in Schenectady in 1939. The original is in the Department of Physics and Astronomy office, donated by Carl George, who I think got it from the artist originally. If not for him, we wouldn't have anything to sarcastically call smart people who do dumb things. Oh, yeah, and the whole General…
Today is March 14th, 3/14 in the normal American way of writing dates, so you'll find a lot of silliness on the web today talking about "π Day" due to the coincidental similarity with the first three digits of π (see, for example, Rhett's annual post). But, of course, this is an archaic and local convention, and not really suited to the dignity of science. After all, the defined SI unit of time is the second, so if you're going to do things properly, you really ought to measure time in seconds (like the Qeng Ho in Vernor Vinge's brilliant A Deepness in the Sky). So, a proper celebration of…
"So, that's the science show with space pictures. What did you think of it, honey?" "Science. Space pictures. Awesome!" Our umpteenth winter storm of the season delayed school two hours this morning, which is kind of the worst of all possible worlds from a parenting perspective-- when the schools are closed, there's (usually) a snow-day day-care program, but they don't take kids during a mere delay. On the bright side, though, it gave me a chance to show SteelyKid the Cosmos reboot from Sunday night. Her capsule review is at the top. In a little more detail: -- I asked her if she wanted to…