Suggestions on Raising Pluto's Self Esteem

So Pluto is no longer a planet (totally destroying everything I learned in elementary school), and I get the feeling the little guy is bummed out about it. I have a list of suggestions of things Pluto can do to raise it's self esteem:

1) Become a free agent and join another solar system

2) Crash into (invade) another planet to show it who's boss, then fail to adequately prepare for that planet's reconstruction

3) Attract attention of NASA...then lose all the probes they send

4) Circle the wagons with the other "Dwarfs" at the dork table at lunch, mock other planets with your superior knowledge of Doctor Who while secretly wanting to be one of them

5) Become dead inside like a tiny ice ball with a 248 year orbital period, like sort of a "Goth" planet (oh wait...sort of doing that already)

Any other suggestions?


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There should be a science themed emo group named "The Pluto formerly known as a Planet"

I'd never listen to them, but I'd like the idea that they exist.

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