Basic Concepts Query

We've been chatting in the ScienceBlogs forum about doing some posts about basic concepts in science -- short articles for people who don't necessarily have lots of background but would like to get some. Anyway, Chad is inquiring from his readers what kind of posts they would like to see. Suggestions for him are ideas like energy and force.

I think that idea is a good one, and I am happy to participate. So here's the question: If I were to post some basic concepts articles, what would you like to know about? If it were something related to neuroscience, that would probably be good. At some point I will hassle Kara to explain something economicsish.

Post your ideas in the comments.

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I could do with some basics on the various neurotransmitters and other naturally intrinsic chemicals that affect the nervous system.

Another, which might take more than one post, would be on all the varied functions of the hypothalamus.

Economics stuff (basic info): micro & macro; supply side; effect of the Fed Reserve raising (lowering or maintaining rates); difference between types of rates such as fed rate, inter bank rate, etc.

Also how about explaining APR?

I would be curious about how someone in the field of neuroscience thinks about what is known about the brain, and what we are in the dark about. Also, how someone in the field feels about psychology and the various theories it purposes towards the functioning of the brain. Are they on the right track or just making stuff up as they go along? Mostly looking for personal opinion.

Some basics about anti-depressants, and how it effects brain function.

One I would really be interested in: How to become a neuroscientist, and how difficult is it to reach a level you can start doing research? An answer aimed for the average person, at any age.

Book titles you found critical towards learning about neuroscience that would be good for anyone to read?

Thanks for taking the time to answer questions!

By joltvolta (not verified) on 15 Jan 2007 #permalink

I am interested in learning some more about how epilepsy treatment has advanced since the 1950's, or even an understanding of how neuroscientists have been able to determine causation of seizure disorders. Also, along without I am interested in learning how anti-seizure medicines "work" to suppress seizures.

In the field of macro-economics, how does cetis parabis affect the laws of supply and demand?