Question #1: Why was the condom filled with beer?

Shelley has an exquisite example of why radiologists no longer do double-takes:

To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report on intestinal obstruction caused by ingestion of a condom filled with alcoholic beverage and its successful transcutaneous treatment.

Question #1 (of many): why was the condom filled with beer?

No, I actually want to know. Is there some drinking game that I was not presently aware of that involves condoms filled with beer? Is this an example of fraternity hazing gone horribly awry? Was this individual misinformed about the legality of alcoholic beverages in Germany? Was this person part of a huge transnational beer smuggling operation? Or was this an example of where you wake up and say: "Well, I am not quite sure why I woke up in the bushes or why I have this pineapple, but I am sure my friends have valuable information to explain both."? Was tequila also involved?

Tell me! I want to know. It is seriously going to bug me until I figure out why the damn condom was filled with beer...

Hat-tip: The fabulously named A Good Poop


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