I'm giving a talk at Cambridge next week

Student society BlueSci / Cambridge University Science Productions have invited me to give a talk next Tuesday Wednesday (28th). It'll be about making zines and blogging and making sweet websites and being a filthy Nathan Barley-esque media whore and the like. Audience participation encouraged. If you'd like to come along and chat, email enquiries@bluesci.org to book a place.

The following night I'll be in London for the launch of Standing Up For Science 2, a guide to tackling pseudoscience produced by the Voice of Young Science. I'm not sure if that one is open to the public but you can email Alice Tuff at Sense About Science to find out.

Hope to see you there!


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I am assuming Mica Tatalovic will be there (we wrote a BlueSci article together some time ago and I ha d apleasure to meet him in person last year) - if so, say Hi to him from me.

Dude, the last time I was in Cambridge, my hosts took me to a really cool little pub that had this awesome game called bar billiards, which is like bumper pool, but you use your hands to roll the balls (if I recall correctly). What I *do* recall was that--although I was fucking obliterated from all the ale we had been drinking--I beat the motherfucker at his own game! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!

will you be piercing anything special for the occasion?

By porco dio (not verified) on 24 Jan 2009 #permalink