Google knows you're scared of Chinese people

Inspired by this post, I thought I'd see what else Google knows about our collective psyche, based on its suggested searches. Result? Google knows you're scared of Chinese people.


At first I thought it was a one-off, but then I found this, dating back to February 2009.


Ironic, really, as the Chinese are afraid of Google.


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My Google knows I am extremely terrified of Canadians.


"I Like..."

" fork myself"

I wonder if enough of us do a Google search for
"exoplanets tapdancing"
will that appear as a Google suggestion?

By Vince Whirlwind (not verified) on 11 Jan 2010 #permalink

Where does ...
Miley Cyrus live?

There are apparently a lot of cyberstalkers out there.

"is it..."
Lawks. People must be asking these questions.

More specifically: "is it legal..."
" own a monkey in the uk"
I've always wondered that!


"I Like..."

" fork myself"

I wonder if enough of us do a Google search for
"exoplanets tapdancing"
will that appear as a Google suggestion?


For me [located in Denmark]the first gogle search suggestion is:
"I'm afraid of americans" [31 300 000 hits] :-)
Mind you, it IS apparently a reference to some Bowie lyrics, but still...

I'm worried... if I put in 'is it' into google I get
1)is it christmas
2)is it wrong to sleep with your sister
3)is it better to be mixed race
4)is it wrong to sleep with your cousin

seriously, how many people are googling is it wrong to sleep with your sister? (10.4M results apparently...)

By hoots_mon (not verified) on 01 Feb 2010 #permalink

Thats because of the google incident, how China was going to ban google search and google products (android) in the country. This is how Google responds, by being tasteless.