Hockey Fights Cancer


This weekend I attended the NHL All-Star game in Atlanta and was impressed to learn about the Hockey Fights Cancer program.

Hockey Fights Cancer is a joint initiative founded in
December 1998 by the National Hockey League and the
National Hockey League Players' Association to raise
money and awareness for hockey's most important fight.

According to the Hockey Fights Cancer website, the organization has raised over $6 million to support cancer research through fund-raising initiatives such as the annual Hockey Fights Cancer On-Line Charity Auction.

If you want to help in the fight against cancer and score some cool hockey merchandise at the same time, this is a great way to go. More info here.

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Yay for you! Was it your first hockey game?
Sadly, cancer and hockey have some pretty close ties- probably no more than the regular population but some major hockey starts have had cancer- notably Mario Lemieux with Hodgkin's Lymphoma, and now Saku Koivu with Non-Hodgkin's Lymphona. And others as well. The good thing that comes out of it is the raised aawreness and the research dollars generated.

Hi Homie Bear,
Yes indeed it was and I had a blast. I wasn't aware of the sad history of this disease in hockey. Thanks for the information.

Dear DNLee,
Thank you for encouraging the inclusion of more science blogs in the black blog directories and for highlighting my blog.
You also have quite a nice science blog :)
Take care.