Thanksgiving thoughts

1. Happy Thanskgiving everyone. Minnow, Fish, and I are enjoying a mini-Thanksgiving meal of turkey, wild rice, and apple pie. Minnow will be getting her first taste of turkey. Photos will be taken.

2. On this day of feasting and family, take a moment to think of those who are less fortunate than you. This year you might send your compassion (and your money) to victims of Cyclone Sidr that struck Bangladesh last week. The latest news stories report more than 3000 people have been confirmed dead, with fatalities rising hourly. The area that was hit was already impoverished, and these people have lost their homes and everything in them, as well as this year's rice crop. They are facing disease and hunger for a long time ahead as they struggle to rebuild their lives. If you want to know more, Chris and Sheril at The Intersection were sounding the alarm before the storm hit and they'll be continuing to cover the aftermath in the weeks ahead. Chris R. at Highly Allochthonous also does a great job of showing us why the devastation is so wide spread. The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies has been a major player in the relief efforts on the ground, and should you feel like donating, I'm sure they'd put your gift to good use.

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