Out the door

Out the door - meaning one
I just submitted a revised version of a paper. Yay! Too bad that doesn't actually mean anything for my CV. But maybe I'll get an acceptance before I have to turn in my CV update for our annual review. This also means that I'll eventually take down my InaDWriMo badge. I need to decide what to put in its place. Any suggestions?

Out the door - meaning two
I'm going to be in the field tomorrow, Wednesday, and Friday. I'm excited about getting to see some new sites and get some collaborations going. Minnow is coming along on the first trip, so she adds a lot of hassle, especially since it is overnight (which is why she's coming along). Plus, temperatures will be at their lowest point of the year tomorrow, so I'm going to have to make sure she stays warm enough. On Friday, it's just a daytrip, so I'll be dropping her off at daycare and having to figure out a way to pump during the day. I can't win either way. But then again, how cool is it that I am getting to go in the field. I had so much fun this morning packing gear. And maybe since I've gotten in the habit of posting pictures 'round here I'll share some pictures with you when I get back.

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