Top 10 Women in Science developments of 2007

Here's my take on the top 10 women in science stories of 2007. It's highly biased toward blogospheric developments. Many thanks to skookumchick, Tara, Pat, and Karen for helping me compile items for inclusion on this list.

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Tara at Aetiology has a review of Danica McKellar's new book Math Doesn't Suck: How to Survive Middle School Math Without Losing Your Mind Or Breaking A Nail. She also snagged an interview with McKellar which you can find here. She asks McKellar about her motivations for writing the book and…
It's not a rosy picture for girls in math. As Barbie infamously framed it, girls should think that "math is hard." While Mattel (rightly) received a lot of flack for that comment, the sad fact is that Barbie was reflecting the attitude many girls tend to take toward mathematics education: it's…
When I had the opportunity to review Danica McKellar's new book Math Doesn't Suck, I was excited on two levels. First and foremost, it's aimed at getting girls interested in math. I've always been flummoxed as to why the subject is such a male dominated field and curious to find out how Danica…
Tara of Aetiology, after reviewing Danica McKellar's book "Math Doesn't Suck", posted an exclusive blog interview with Danica, which you can (and should) read here.

on the subject of role model child TV stars, dont forget Mayim Bialik (aka Blossom) who got a undergrad degree in neuroscience and and either has or just about has (depending on what website you believe) her PhD.
She should write a book too!

ScienceWoman, I also wrote earlier this year (with a post on Scientiae, in fact!) about the news of Nancy Andrews, MD, PhD, being appointed the first female dean of a top 10 medical school. Frankly, I was bewildered that this was even "news" since at least one big medical school surely would've appointed a woman dean sometime in the last century or so. This post cites Andrews' own NEJM article confirming that I am not crazy: she also felt it was a sad commentary that her appointment was marked by such a big media event.

And, hey, congratulations to all of you in #5 for your tenure-track faculty appointments this year! Be sure to not overlook male faculty colleagues who also share your mission - there are a few out there!

Two universities named women scientist president

Actually, I was remiss in pointing out that our own university did that as well, naming Sally Mason, a biologist, our newest president at the University of Iowa.

And, unfortunately, another crop of top-notch female postdocs finally give up the academic ghost after reaching the breaking point with the bullshit. Speaking from personal experience.

Wonderful list, Sciencewoman! I'm not sure my mini-course actually warranted inclusion with all the other fabulous events, but thank you. In the interest of full disclosure, I should mention that I actually did not finish the course as planned, and one of my New Year's resolutions is to pick it up again and work through the rest of the syllabus. Someday soon...after I get back to my normal life...