Conference flogging

I'm still trying to figure out this blogging publicly thing, and am writing a bigger post about it for later in the week. In the meantime, here are a couple of great-sounding conference coming up, and you still have time to get your abstracts in!

Engineering, Social Justice and Peace: Grounded in community, engaged in praxis
Smith College, Northampton, MA
April 4-6 2008
Abstracts due Feb 15 (Saturday!!)
Papers are solicited that address the conference theme, including but not limited to the following questions:

  • What is engineering? Social justice?
  • For whom and towards what do engineers work?
  • How can service learning in engineering serve the ends of social justice and peace?
  • What could/should the role of communities be in engineering?
  • How do we change the economic and policial priorities that drive engineering away from social justice and peace, or away from community concerns?
  • How do we transform traditional engineering education models to create the change we seek?

Inclusive Science : Articulating Theory, Practice and Action
College of St. Catherine, St. Paul MN
June 16-18 2008
Abstract submission extended to March 30!!
Looking for proposals on:

  • critiques of science from multiple perspectives including gender, race and ethnicity, and class
  • Pedagogies that engage women, students of color, and students from a variety of social classes in the sciences, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM)
  • Putting theory into action; changing the way we do, learn, and teach about science

I just sent in my ESJP abstract (whew, cross it off the list), and had rather given up on the Inclusive Science conference as the abstract deadline had been in January sometime, but now I have another chance, woo hoo! :-)

There is also one more conference you might be interested to hear about too, but it's a bit further afield:

Research on Engineering Education Symposium (REES)
Davos, Switzerland
July 7-10, 2008
Abstracts are due Monday, February 18, 2008. An accepted abstract is required in order to attend the conference.
More information available in pdf here.

I didn't attend this one last time 'round, but I hope to go this year. Although isn't it interesting I'm avoiding working on my abstract for it by blogging about it? Hmmmm...

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More of a seminar than a conference, but people in driving distance might be interested in:
Women in Biomedical Research: Best Practices for Sustaining Career Success
Bethesda, MD: March 4, 2008
"Many organizations, such as academic health centers, pharmaceutical companies and branches of government are faced with the challenges of how to recruit, retain, facilitate re-entry, and promote advancement of professional women who have chosen careers in biomedical research. The purpose of this workshop is to highlight some of the best practices that these organizations have developed with the goal of determining which practices can be applied and adapted to the needs of women in biomedical research."