A new name and a new look to reflect our new cast

When Alice and I teamed up last month, we realized that we needed a new name - one that was inclusive of both of our identities and reflects where we want this blog to go. Today, we're proud to unveil that new name and a new banner to go along with it.

From here on out, this blog is...

A scientist and an engineer being the change we want to see

Congratulations to Makita for being the first to suggest the name. She'll be receiving a Sb mug as her prize, just as soon as I find her address. And if any of you creative souls want to come up with a better banner for us, we'd love to display it.


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ScienceMama: I miss Minnow too. I'll have to see what I can arrange to make her visage present on the page.

What a nice name, if I say so myself! Actually, it seemed so natural, I'm surprised I was the first to suggest it. And the description is great too.