RBOC: Heading in to spring break edition

Last week was a bear with 2.5 days at my university's Multicultural Forum, a day of meetings, and meeting with the geothermal people on Friday, finally making it back home (the other home) about 5:00 pm Friday afternoon.

However, now I'm on spring break! So while my blogging has been light over the last week, and ScienceWoman has been more prolific because of her break, things are likely to change this week.

The nice thing is that my husband and I have different spring breaks, with his the week after this one. So we can be in the same place for two whole weeks! And boy, do I have a list of stuff I have to do over both.


  • finish the draft of and send off to a colleague my next paper for publication
  • update the graduate recruiting slides and share with my committee
  • help a new graduate student figure out housing stuff starting in May
  • write a small grant to recruit students from HBCUs, HSIs, and tribal colleges
  • blog about my experience at the Multicultural Forum (for tomorrow, I hope)
  • blog about my research, as y'all requested
  • draft a flyer for graduate recruiting
  • help a colleague set up a wiki for our department
  • do some work on redesigning the big first-year course I'm slated to teach in the fall
  • write up a brainstorming list from our seminar last Thursday on the graduate program
  • follow up on a meeting I chaired on diversity in the College, which will mean typing up notes into Google Docs, then instructions on how to use Google Docs for them what don't know
  • buy my plane tickets for a trip to Smith for this conference, and to do recruiting to our graduate program, oh yeah and actually coordinate the trips - like schedule time to meet with people wherever I can and so on
  • write the paper I have to give at previously-mentioned conference
  • plan another graduate recruiting trip to Madison at the end of April
  • write my annual report to the department


  • send a friend all the information I have about our buying of our houses, as she's working herself up to doing the same (except only one house)
  • clean one house for my parents' visit on the weekend
  • buy an inflatable mattress (borrowing one from a friend)
  • plant seeds to transplant later to our garden
  • schedule an electrician to come to our other house and upgrade the service for the geothermal installation next week
  • do laundry
  • buy food to feed my parents during their visit
  • prep the kitchen to have the floor removed when my parents are here - they'll be helping
  • driving back to the other house, with the inflatable mattress and the vacuum cleaner
  • cleaning the other house (bigger)
  • hosting my parents in the other house too after they come back from Philly (after visiting us this weekend) to visit my sister
  • more food purchasing and cooking
  • dealing with the electrician and scheduling the geothermal people for the following week

I think that might be almost about it, but I won't swear to it. And this is spring break. Note there won't be a lot of relaxation in there.

Change is as good as a rest, my parents say. And it will be really nice being in the same place as my husband for two whole weeks.

More blogging tomorrow.

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I'm glad that you and your Husband get to be in the same place for two weeks. I know that I'm always happy when mine and my husband's schedules (finally!) meet up like that!